Friday, 21 November 2008

Speeding laws need a new direction

There's a really good article in today's Daily Telegraph.

I like this bit:

However, ministers should be aware that these reforms will not restore the reputation of our speeding laws. The purpose of such law should be to improve the safety of our roads.
Instead, it is widely perceived as a cynical revenue earner, particularly in the bailiwicks of our more zealous chief constables.
End result? The law is no longer respected (and confidence in the police has suffered as a result).
How else can one explain the fact that an estimated 40 per cent of the nation's motorists - about 12 million Britons - have penalty points on their licences?
Only when road traffic laws are once again perceived to be about road safety, not a thinly disguised tax on the motorist, will drivers start respecting them again.

The rest is here:

With this government it's not so much about the carrot and stick approach to dealing with speeding drivers (and we can include members of the cabinet here) but more of a stick and stick approach.

My idea was that while the government punishes and takes away, why don't they give back? Look at how drivers can win back points on their licence instead of them hating speed cameras because they take away livelihoods.

Extending speed cameras is just policing by Robocop. You don't catch bad drivers, drink drivers or unlicensed drivers.

To reassure people that we aren't being taxed simply because we drive the government has to think again about what it can do.

People are taught to drive for their conditions and surroundings. Excessive speed in dangerous situations in just crazy and those drivers should be penalised.

But the government is clamping down on drivers with DECADES of accident-free motoring behind them. Are they really danger drivers who deserve to be banned from the road?

I think not but common sense has sadly been lacking from this argument since Labour came to power.


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